Modulateur d'intensité ROF Film mince modulateur de niobate lithium 20G Modulateur TFLN
Modulateur ROF 20G TFLN. Thin film lithium niobate intensity modulator is a high-performance electro-optical conversion device, which is independently developed by our company and has complete independent intellectual property rights. The product is packaged by high-precision coupling technology to achieve ultra-high electro-optical conversion efficiency. Compared with the traditional lithium niobate crystal modulator, this product has the characteristics of low half-wave voltage, high stability, small device size and thermo-optical bias control, and can be widely used in digital optical communication, microwave photonics, backbone communication networks and communication research projects.
Modulateur d'intensité ROF EOM
Thin film lithium niobate intensity modulator is a high-performance electro-optical conversion device, which is independently developed by our company and has complete independent intellectual property rights. Le produit est emballé par une technologie de couplage de haute précision pour obtenir une efficacité de conversion électro-optique ultra-élevée. Compared with the traditional lithium niobate crystal modulator, this product has the characteristics of low half-wave voltage, high stability, small device size and thermo-optical bias control, and can be widely used in digital optical communication, microwave photonics, backbone communication networks and communication research projects.
ROF-AM 1064NM Lithium niobateUtilise un processus d'échange de protons avancé, qui a une faible perte d'insertion , la bande passante de modulation élevée , une tension de demi-onde faible et d'autres caractéristiques utilisées dans le système de communication optique d'espace , dispositifs de génération d'impulsions , optique quantique et autres champs.
Modulateur électro-optique ROF Longueur d'onde 1064 nm Modulateur d'intensité 300m Modulateur de niobate lithium
ROF-AM 1064NM Lithium niobate